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英国加强猪肉来源检测 世界卫生组织针对德国的猪肉

来源: 最后更新:22-06-25 05:36:02


  UK - Isotope testing of pork and pork products for their origin is being stepped up by AHDB Pork from once a quarter to monthly.The testing uses SIRA (Stable Isotope Reference Analysis), an innovative isotope technology which compares retail and processed pork and pork products against a library of pork samples from known locations built up over a number of years.Analysing the ratios of the four main stable isotopes contained in pork means the probability of the sample coming from the UK can be determined.AHDB Pork strategy director Mick Sloyan said: “The focus to date has been on fresh pork in supermarkets. Last year, we extended it to bacon and pork used as a raw material in sausages and ham.

  英国农业及园伊⒅(AHDB)采用同位素加强猪肉和猪肉制品来源检测,频率从一个季度一次到一个月一次。测试采用稳定同位素对照分析法(SIRA)。SIRA是一种创新同位素技术,用零售、加工的猪肉和猪肉制品与存在文库经过多年采集已知来源的猪肉样品对照。分析猪肉中四种主要同位素的比例,就能知道样品来自英国某地的约摸性。英国农业及园伊⒅(AHDB)猪肉策略总监米克斯隆(Mick Sloyan)说:“主要数据来自超市里的清新猪肉。去年,我们把范围扩大到培根和用猪肉制作的火腿和香肠”。

标签: 猪肉来源检测  同位素  养猪行情  



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