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来源: 最后更新:22-06-26 11:27:23


  US - An extension professor with University of Missouri says over the past decade we have seen a shift in thinking from minimizing the cost of disposing of livestock manure to maximizing the value of livestock manure, writes Bruce Cochrane."How to Extract More Value From Manure" was discussed as part of the 2016 Manitoba Swine Seminar in Winnipeg.Dr Ray Massey, an Extension Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Missouri, says over the past 10 years we have seen manure go from what was considered a waste to a resource.

  布鲁斯科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,据一位密苏里大学分校教授说,在过去十年我们瞧到了思想的变幻,从缩小分解牲畜粪便的成本到扩大牲畜粪便的价值。在温尼伯(Winnipeg)举办的2016曼尼托巴生猪研讨会议论了“如何从生物粪便中提取更多的价值”。密苏里大学分校的农业应用经济学研究所雷梅西(Ray Massey)教授说,“在过去十年我们瞧到了牲畜粪便从被当做垃圾到资源的转变”。

标签: 牲畜粪便  养猪行情  



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